Math & Physics Problems Wikia

By: Tao Steven Zheng (郑涛)

Exchange Rates and Unit Conversions


Figure 1. The jin you method or "rule of three"

The concept of "rate" or "proportion" (率 ) was highly important in ancient Chinese mathematics. We will later discover that rates are vital in explaining the Chinese understanding of applied problems in arithmetic, linear equations, and even geometry. One important method discussed in Chapter 2, titled "Grains" (粟米 su mi), of the Jiuzhang Suanshu is the jinyou method (今有术 jin you shu). The jinyou method most likely arose from commercial transactions of antiquity, for every problem in this chapter dealt with the exchange of different grains that followed a defined market rate. The market rates are used to calculate an unknown quantity of grain. In the Jiuzhang Suanshu, at the beginning of Chapter 2 (粟米 su mi), a table of market rates of various grains is given, as well as a detailed description of the jinyou method.












The regulated [rates of exchange] for grains:

Unhusked millet 50; Hulled millet 30

Milled millet 27; Refined millet 24

Imperial millet 21; Refined wheat 13 ½

Coarse wheat 54; Cooked coarse wheat 75

Cooked milled millet 54; Cooked refined millet 48

Cooked imperial millet 42; Soy beans, Small beans, Sesame seed, Wheat 45

Paddy rice 60; Fermented soy beans 63

Porridge 90; Cooked beans 103 ½

Fermented grain 175

Jinyou method: Take the given amount multiplied by the sought rate as the dividend. The given rate is the divisor. Divide the dividend by the divisor.

What the jinyou method describes is the that given two rates, the given rate and sought rate , and the given amount , one can determine the sought amount as follows:

The jinyou method went by many names over the centuries and across different cultures. In ancient India, the astronomer-mathematician Aryabhata (476 - 550 AD) formulated a method for calculating rates equivalent to the jinyou method. Aryabhata called it the Trairāśika, which literally translates to the "rule of three quantities". Knowledge of the jinyou method travelled along the Eurasian trade routes (often called the Silk Road), making its way to the Middle East and Europe through India. For centuries, the mathematicians and merchants of Muslim empires and Christian Europe still refer it as the "rule of three".

Knowing how the jinyou method (rule of three) can be used for calculating rates, one will discover that the method can be extended to converting units of standard measures. In the Chinese language, there are three basic measures: linear measure (度 du), capacity measure (量 liang), and weight measure (衡 heng). Collectively they are referred to as 度量衡 (du liang heng, "weights and measures").

Table 1. Linear Measure (度 du)

10 毫 = 1 厘

10 厘 = 1 分

10 分 = 1 寸

10 寸 = 1 尺

10尺 = 1 丈

6 尺 = 1 步

40 尺 = 1 匹(疋)

50 尺 = 1 端

300 步 = 1 里

10 hao = 1 li

10 li = 1 fen

10 fen = 1 cun

10 cun = 1 chi

10 chi = 1 zhang

6 chi = 1 bu

40 chi = 1 pi

50 chi = 1 duan

300 bu = 1 li

Table 2. Capacity Measure (量 liang)

10 圭 = 1 撮

10 撮 = 1 抄

10 抄 = 1 勺

10 勺 = 1 合

10 合 = 1 升

10 升 = 1 斗

10 斗 = 1 斛

10 gui = 1 cuo

10 cuo = 1 chao

10 chao = 1 shao

10 shao = 1 ge

10 ge = 1 sheng

10 sheng = 1 dou

10 dou = 1 hu

Table 3. Weight Measure (衡 heng)

10 絫 = 1 铢

24 铢 = 1 两

16 两 = 1 斤

30 斤 = 1 钧

4 钧 = 1 石

10 lei = 1 zhu

24 zhu = 1 liang

16 liang = 1 jin

30 jin = 1 jun

4 jun = 1 dan*

* The character 石 is pronounced shi for stone but the unit of measurement is pronounced dan.

Problem Study 1: Exchanging Grains

The following problem from the Jiuzhang Suanshu (Chapter 2, Problem 1) is an exercise of unit conversions and the jinyou method.

[2.01] 今有粟一斗,欲为粝米。问:得几何?



[2.01] Suppose the is 1 dou of millet, and one wishes to exchange it for hulled millet. Question: How much should there be?

Answer: 6 sheng of husked millet are exchanged.

Method: Using [the given amount of] millet to determine [the sought amount of] hulled millet, multiply by 3, and divide by 5.

Let denote the sought amount of hulled millet. From the table of capacity measures (Table 2), we find that 10 sheng (升) makes 1 dou (斗). Thus, the given amount is 10 sheng of millet. Referencing the market rates from Chapter 2 of the Jiuzhang Suanshu, we find that the exchange rate for millet is 50, and the rate for hulled millet is 30. Substituting the given rates and the given amount of millet into the jinyou rule, we get

Problem Study 3: Application with Unit Conversions

The following problem is from Sunzi Suanjing (Chapter 3, Problem 33).





Suppose the distance between Chang’an and Luoyang is 900 li. One rotation of the cart’s wheel measures 1 zhang 8 chi. Question: If one wishes to travel from Luoyang to Chang’an, how many rotations will the wheel make?

Answer: 90,000 rotations.

Method: Put down 900 li, multiply by 300 bu to obtain 270,000 bu. Next multiply by 6 chi to obtain 1,620,000 chi. Let [the circumference of ] the wheel, 1 zhang 8 chi, be the divisor (法 fa) and divide to get the answer.

Complex Rate Problems
